Monday, January 7, 2013

Peace Out 2012! A recap of my year.

I can't believe we are already in the second week of 2013.  This year is flying by already!  Below is a recap of some events, fun moments, and milestones that took place in 2012.

My adorable nephew Jaxson was born. 

My husband and I celebrated our 14th Wedding Anniversary.

I was promoted to Event Coordinator at Team Fit.

I participated in Fight For Air 70 Floor Climb, and beat my goal time.

I got bangs!

Went to a Pitbull concert

Buried Jerry in the sand

Found Milli Vanilli blazers with my sister

Senior portraits for David (can't believe he's a senior).

Lillian went to her first Homecoming dance (sniffle, sniffle).

Started my blog & facebook page Eat Sweat Rest.

Joined Advocare.

Team Fit's first Toys For Tots event.

Samone lost her first tooth!

Became a Sweat Pink Ambassador.

Did not reach my jean goal (but still working on it!).

Registered for 13 In 2013 Challenge.

So blessed to have celebrated another year and Christmas with my wonderful family.


  1. Hi! You have a beautiful family! And I have to tell you...totally jealous of the Milli Vanilli gear! ;)
    For the record, I WILL be singing 'Blame It On The Rain' for the rest of the night!
    Sweat Pink!

  2. LOL! Thanks so much! Yes, the Milli Vanilli gear was aweseome!
