Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Enjoy Thanksgiving, Without The Weight Gain.

It's that time of year again!  Christmas songs on the radio, community tree lighting, sales galore, holiday gatherings, and more.  Thanksgiving is just over a week away!  With all the hustle and bustle, it's easy to lose time and difficult to stay on track with your fitness plan, but it doesn't have to be that way.  There is light at the end of the tunnel!  This holiday season, make a goal to stay on track with your fitness plan, while still enjoying yourself and indulging in the delicious tastes of the holidays.  How, you ask?  It's simple.  First, and most important, remember that it is a holiDAY!  NOT a holiWEEK, or a holiMONTH.  Enjoy yourself that DAY, and that day only.
Did you know that the average Thanksgiving meal is around 3000 calories?  You may be thinking YIKES!  But it's really not as bad as it sounds.  3500 calories equals one pound.  So, to gain one pound you have to eat an additional 3500 calories on top of your daily required calories.  In other words, if you eat 2000 calories a day to maintain your current weight, you would have to eat 5500 calories on Thanksgiving to gain one pound.  Thats a lot of calories!  How do you stay under 5500 calories on Thanksgiving Day?  It's simple, eat a clean meal for breakfast, and lunch (don't starve yourself all day so you can pig out at dinner!).  When it comes to dinner, treat yourself to whatever you want without over-indulging.  Eat until you're satisfied, not over-stuffed!  Drink plenty of water to help flush out sodium, and keep you satisfied.  If you want that piece of pie for dessert, have it!  If you're too full to finish it don't force it down, simply stop.
Okay, now here's the important part, once Thanksgiving is over, it's OVER!  Leftovers can get you in so much trouble!  With leftovers, you'll continue to eat this 3000 calorie meal for days!  Ditch the leftovers, and continue eating clean the very next day!  If you're hosting dinner this year, send the leftovers home with your guests!
Let's not only focus on the calories you're taking in, but also on the calories you're putting out.  Don't forget to continue to exercise during this holiday season!  Start Thanksgiving morning with a workout.  Wake up an hour earlier if you have to.  Not only will this help you stay within your calorie range for the day, but it will also relieve stress that can come with busy holidays.  Your day will go a lot smoother if you begin with a workout.  Also, workout the day after Thanksgiving.  Breaking a sweat will get rid of some of the toxins and sodium your body took in during that hefty dinner.  You won't feel so bloated, and you'll have more energy!

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