Monday, December 31, 2012

Get Fit In 2013 Challenge

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF 2012!!!!  Wow, another year gone, and a perfect time to look at the year ahead.  2013 is the year to Get Fit!  Let's start the year healthy, and end the year healthy.  Let's make this the year that our health and fitness goals are met!  I'm kicking the year off with a Get Fit In 2013 Challenge.  The challenge runs from 1/20/13-2/19/13, and requires participation in The 24 Day Challenge through Advocare.  By the end of 24 days you will have formed the habits of living a healthy and fit lifestyle.  Your body and mind will thank you.  Not only will you see the difference, but more importantly, you will feel the difference.  The winner of the challenge will receive $100 in free Advocare products of their choice!

NOTE:  24 Day Challenge Bundle is on SALE 1/1/13-1/15/13 for $175 (originally $190).  
Click HERE to order.
**Refer 3 friends who participate in the challenge and your bundle is FREE**

1.  Order The 24 Day Challenge Bundle by clicking HERE
2.  You MUST begin Challenge between 1/20/13-1/26/13
3.  Join Get Fit In 2013 Facebook group
4.  Record measurements of hips, waist, chest, and each thigh (not required to post publicly)
5.  Record weight (not required to post publicly)
6.  You MUST end Challenge between 2/12/13-2/18/13
7.  Total inches lost and total pounds lost MUST be posted in FB group no later than 2/19/13
8.  Before and after picture (if taken) MUST be posted in FB group no later than 2/19/13

Drawing (the more you participate, the better chance you have of winning):
1.  Participate daily in Facebook group.  Each time you post a daily update you will receive 1 entry
2.  You will receive 1 entry for every inch lost
3.  You will receive 1 entry for every pound lost
4.  You will receive 10 entries for posting a before and after picture in Facebook group
5.  Winner will be drawn and announced on 2/20/13

For additional support, motivation, recipes, and tips "like" my Facebook fitness page 

Being healthy and fit is more than what you put into your body, it's also what you put out.  You must be active to achieve optimal benefits and results!  Get up and move!  Walk, run, dance, participate in a group fitness class, go to the gym, or pop in a workout DVD.

On sale for $29.95 beginning January 1, 2013. Click HERE to order.

By participating in this challenge, you will receive the support, motivation, information, and encouragement needed to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle.  Make 2013 YOUR year to be healthy and fit!

*minimum of 5 participants required for Get Fit In 2013 Challenge

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

13 in 2013....I'm in!!

I recently registered for the 13 in 2013 Challenge.  I'm so excited about this challenge!  13 races in 12 months.  I always love to challenge myself, and this is the perfect chance for me to step it up a notch.  The most challenging part for me will be running outdoors in during the winter months.  I'm not a winter outdoor runner, never have been, and seeing as my first 5k is on January 1st, followed by two more between January and February, running outdoors in the cold is something I'm going to have to get use to.....especially since I live in Michigan!  Burrrr!  Another challenge is my knee.  I stopped running in August of 2012 due to issues with my knee.  I decided to take a break from running for the remainder of 2012 to allow my knee time to heal.  This has been extremely hard!  I love to run, and it seems thats all I could think about from August to now.  Not running for 5 months has set me way back, but I'm ready to work my way back up.
I have committed to a variety of races for my challenge.  5k, 10k, 5 miles, mud runs, half marathons, and virtual races.  Thats the beauty of this challenge, YOU decide what style and distance race you want to participate in.  Short on money?  No problem!  Virtual runs (which are free) count as well!!  In fact, my first run of the year is a virtual 5k on New Year's Day.  Below is a link for the virtual run series I'm participating in, as well as links to the 13 in 2013 Challenge.  Register soon if you're interested in participating, registrations have to be received by December 31st!!

13 in 2013 registration and information

13 in 2013 Facebook group

5 by 5th Virtual Run Series

The following races/runs are on my calendar for 2013:

1/1 Virtual Resolution Fun Run 5k
1/26 Run your franny off 5k
2/9 Pazcki Run 5k
3/2 Virtual 5 mile
4/1 Virtual 5 mile
4/27 Let's Move 1/2 marathon
5/19 Back to the beach 1/2 marathon
6/1 Virtual 5 mile
6/29 Dirty girl 5k
7/27 Warrior Dash 5k
8/25 Merrill down & dirty 10k
Sept. Romeo to Richmond 1/2 marathon
11/28 Turkey Trot 10k

2013....LET'S DO THIS!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Setting Goals

We are coming up on the last week of December.  I love this time of year.  This is the time of year that I reflect back on what I've done over the last 12 months.  What I accomplished and what I didn't accomplish, what I can improve on, where I've made changes and where I need to make changes.  This is also the time of year that I set goals for the upcoming year. 
I became hooked on goal setting last December when I came across Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge, which then led me to purchase her book Push, a book I highly recommend!  This program gave me so much insight on the impact of setting goals, and the small steps it takes to reach those goals.  I call it a program instead of a book because it's so much more than just a good read.  Each day, for 30 days, Chalene gives you a new lesson along with an assignment to complete.  The book includes priorities, goal setting, identifying your goals, steps to take to reach your goals, health and fitness, relationships, and so much more. 
My greatest reward from this program was learning how to master a to-do list!  In the past, like many people, I would take a pen and a piece of paper and write a LONG list of items I wanted to complete that day.  By the end of the day, only about a quarter of those items were crossed off.  I would go to bed feeling unsuccessful, wake up the next morning to add more items to my incomplete list, and then let history repeat itself over and over.  That is until Chalene broke it down for me!  I learned how to categorize my list and complete EVERY item on it EVERY day!  There is a great app that she suggested for this called Awesome Note.  Awesome Note is my BFF!  This app is where I store my daily, weekly, and monthly to-do lists, as well as my goals, projects, and more.  I visit this app multiple times during the day, and highly recommend you get it!  (below are images I found on google to give you an idea of what Awesome Note looks like)

Anyway, back to goals!  First things first, WRITE YOUR GOALS DOWN!  When you put it in writing you're more likely to achieve it.  I'm currently reading Eat That Frog (yes, I love to read self improvement books), and in the first chapter Brian Tracy suggests that you give each of your goals a deadline.  He says "a goal or decision without a deadline has no urgency.  It has no real beginning or end."  So I went through my list yesterday and gave my goals a deadline.  I must admit, they did seem a  little more clear and attainable once I gave them a deadline.  I have 12 goals for 2013.  They range from fitness, to financial, to career, to personal goals.  
2012 is almost over.  This is a time to look forward, set your goals, and prepare for a healthy and fit 2013.  Start the New Year with a positive "I Can" attitude.  One of my favorite quotes "The body achieves what the mind believes".  Remember, the mind is a powerful thing and it only takes 30 days to form a habit.  End 2012 with a new list of goals, and begin 2013 moving closer to those goals!

Monday, December 3, 2012

I'm a Sweat Pink Ambassador!!!

So excited to announce that I have been chosen by Fit Approach to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador!  This is another step forward in being a positive influence in the lives of others.

Fit Approach is your healthy community!  It's a supportive group of people, including everyone from ultra marathoners to couch potatoes, sharing personal experiences with health and fitness.

Sweat Pink Ambassadors live the Fit Approach mission every day:  they sweat hard, play hard, and inspire those around them to achieve their best selves.

The pink shoelaces are part of the Sweat Pink movement, which inspires people to feel strong, confident, and tough, no matter who you are, or what you look like.

I'm looking forward to receiving my Sweat Pink gear in the mail, including a bundle of pink shoelaces, so I can share the Sweat Pink love!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

2013 Race Schedule

I have decided on my race schedule for 2013.  I have never participated in a mud run or a full marathon, so I'm excited for this upcoming year!  All of these events take place in Michigan.

Fight For Air 70 Floor Climb, March 3, 2013
Let's Move Festival Of Races Half Marathon, April 27, 2013
Dirty Girl 5k Mud Run, June 29, 2013
Warrior Dash 5k, July 27, 2013
Merrill Down & Dirty 10k Mud Run, August 25, 2013
Grand Rapids Marathon, October 20, 2013

Let the training begin!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Continuing Forward.......

My 24 Day Challenge is over, and I've had great results with it.  The "challenge" is over, but my journey to being the healthiest and fittest "I" can be isn't!  Being fit doesn't end after 24 days, it is a lifelong journey, a lifestyle.  In my prior blog I shared my Christmas goal.  The 24 Day Challenge helped jump start me toward that goal, but it's up to me to continue forward to reach it.  So what am I going to do to get there?  Below is my game plan:

Eating 5-6 "clean" meals a day, to keep my metabolism increased.
Drinking 96 ounces of water a day, to replenish my muscles, keep me satisfied, and flush out toxins.

Advocare Supplements:
MNS-3 (Metabolic Nutrition System)
SPARK Energy Drink
Catalyst (Amino Acid)
10-Day Herbal Cleanse (after Thanksgiving)
Meal Replacement Shake (breakfast)

Exercise (in addition to the classes I teach, I don't usually count those as my workouts):
Day 1: Heavy biceps/triceps/shoulders
Day 2: Stair Climber 30 minutes & abs
Day 3: Heavy legs
Day 4: Heavy chest/back
Day 5: Stair Climber 30 minutes & abs
Day 6: Cycle (I do count this class since I'm on the bike for an hour!) After this current session ends I will replace this with Stair Climber.
I'm also doing the Squat Challenge.  125 squats 3x a week!

Why am I choosing the stair climber?  I'm starting my training for the Fight For Air 70 Floor Climb in March 2013.   March 2012 was my first time participating in this event.  I climbed 70 floors in 12:28.  I placed 28th in my division and 224th overall (out of 826 participants).  My goal for 2013 is to finish in 11:00 or less!  As time goes on, I will increase my stair climbing time, and days.

Yep!  I reached the top in 12:28!!  Here's looking at 11:00 in 2013!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Christmas Goal

I'm always up for a challenge.  Most of the time, when I set a goal for myself, it's hard for me to reach that goal if I don't have a "reward" waiting for me at the end.  With that said, I have set a personal Christmas weight loss goal, and what better reward for reaching that goal then a super awesome pair of jeans!!

Now, here's the twist!  I already purchased these jeans!!  BUT, I purchased them in a size smaller than what I'm currently wearing.  These jeans are so small that I can't even button them!

I also paid $98 for these jeans, so trust me, I WILL fit into these jeans and wear them until they fall apart to get my $98 worth!!  Ha!!

My goal is to wear these jeans, comfortably, on Christmas Eve.  I'm afraid if I don't reach this goal my 14 year old daughter, who can already fit into them, is going to steal them away from me!  So, time to get to work!!  Stay tuned for updates and a final posting on Christmas Eve!!

What are your fitness goals for the end of 2012?  Post them in the comment section below, and together we will reach our goals!!

Free SPARK!!

GIVE AWAY TIME!!  Once my FaceBook page hits 100 "likes" I am giving away a free box of Advocare SPARK Energy Drink (flavor of your choice!).  The winner will be randomly chosen.  Click on the FaceBook link above and "like" it.  Be sure to share this with your friends.  The quicker I get 100 "likes" the quicker I give away Spark!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Enjoy Thanksgiving, Without The Weight Gain.

It's that time of year again!  Christmas songs on the radio, community tree lighting, sales galore, holiday gatherings, and more.  Thanksgiving is just over a week away!  With all the hustle and bustle, it's easy to lose time and difficult to stay on track with your fitness plan, but it doesn't have to be that way.  There is light at the end of the tunnel!  This holiday season, make a goal to stay on track with your fitness plan, while still enjoying yourself and indulging in the delicious tastes of the holidays.  How, you ask?  It's simple.  First, and most important, remember that it is a holiDAY!  NOT a holiWEEK, or a holiMONTH.  Enjoy yourself that DAY, and that day only.
Did you know that the average Thanksgiving meal is around 3000 calories?  You may be thinking YIKES!  But it's really not as bad as it sounds.  3500 calories equals one pound.  So, to gain one pound you have to eat an additional 3500 calories on top of your daily required calories.  In other words, if you eat 2000 calories a day to maintain your current weight, you would have to eat 5500 calories on Thanksgiving to gain one pound.  Thats a lot of calories!  How do you stay under 5500 calories on Thanksgiving Day?  It's simple, eat a clean meal for breakfast, and lunch (don't starve yourself all day so you can pig out at dinner!).  When it comes to dinner, treat yourself to whatever you want without over-indulging.  Eat until you're satisfied, not over-stuffed!  Drink plenty of water to help flush out sodium, and keep you satisfied.  If you want that piece of pie for dessert, have it!  If you're too full to finish it don't force it down, simply stop.
Okay, now here's the important part, once Thanksgiving is over, it's OVER!  Leftovers can get you in so much trouble!  With leftovers, you'll continue to eat this 3000 calorie meal for days!  Ditch the leftovers, and continue eating clean the very next day!  If you're hosting dinner this year, send the leftovers home with your guests!
Let's not only focus on the calories you're taking in, but also on the calories you're putting out.  Don't forget to continue to exercise during this holiday season!  Start Thanksgiving morning with a workout.  Wake up an hour earlier if you have to.  Not only will this help you stay within your calorie range for the day, but it will also relieve stress that can come with busy holidays.  Your day will go a lot smoother if you begin with a workout.  Also, workout the day after Thanksgiving.  Breaking a sweat will get rid of some of the toxins and sodium your body took in during that hefty dinner.  You won't feel so bloated, and you'll have more energy!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Being Consistent (and my new haircolor!)

So I am on day 24 of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge.  This is probably the longest that I've stuck with a single program.  Crazy....I guess I'm growing up and realizing that in order to see results you must stay consistent!  Who would've thought??  Heehee!  Anyway, whatever health/fitness program you decide is best for you, CONSISTENCY is key!  Being patient, committed, and consistent is what's going to make all the difference in whether you succeed or fail.  In the beginning of a new program you'll start to feel the difference, soon after you'll know that there is a difference, and with commitment and consistency, in no time you'll begin to see the difference!  We are all human, and it's okay to treat your taste buds and indulge in a treat every now and then, or to take a couple of days off from working out to give your body a break.....but, IT'S WHAT YOU DO NEXT THAT COUNTS!  After your treat, start eating clean again with your next meal, or after a break from your fitness routine, begin working out as if there was no break.  Always remember, the next step is the one that counts the most!

Side note:  I'm totally digging my new hair color!  I'm feeling pretty "sassy" these days!

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Favorite Fitness Apps

Wow, it's so amazing how much technology has advanced over the last few years.  iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, the list goes on and on.  Life is so much easier with all of this information right at our fingertips!  I no longer use pen and paper to write my grocery lists, my to-do lists, or even my workout logs.  I think it's funny to see the looks on my kids' faces when I tell them that there was no internet when I was in high school, and that we had to use books called encyclopedias to do our research with!  They are so amazed!
The information out there is endless, and included in this information is my favorite topic, Fitness!  There's a huge variety of fitness apps available, and a lot of them are free (the paid apps are only a couple of dollars or less)!  It amazes me how much information is available with the tap of a finger.  Fitness, fitness, fitness, oh how I love that word!  I have an iPhone.  A lot of the iPhone apps are also compatible with the iPad and iPod Touch.  Below are a list my 7 favorite fitness apps.  These are the apps that I recommend to my friends and clients, based on their needs and lifestyles.  These are also apps that I have used at some point and had great success with.  Although I don't currently actively use all of these apps, I keep them in my phone as a reference, and sometimes revisit them for information.


This is the perfect companion for CrossFitters.  It includes a list of the most commonly used WODs that you can select from, or you can manually enter your own WOD.  With this app, not only can you record your WOD results, but you can also record your Max Weights, and Records.  I paid $1.99 for this app.


I love, love, love this app!  This is my grocery shopping companion.  This app has helped me in my weakest moments in the store.  You know, those moments when you see an item on the shelf that looks so yummy, and you say to yourself "oh, it won't hurt if I treat myself this one time".  It's during those moments that I click on Fooducate and scan the item that I'm drooling over.....and after about 10 seconds of reading the results, I place the item back on the shelf and walk away.  It's funny how your craving for a certain food immediately disappears once you read what those 15 letter ingredients actually are!  This app scans the food item, gives you all of the nutritional information, tells you the Weight Watchers Points Plus value, but then goes a step further and grades the item giving you an explanation of the grade along with warnings for particular ingredients in that item.  This app was free!

Restaurants from Unified Lifestyles

This is another go-to app for me.  I use this app when planning a dinner date with my husband or kids, or when making an unplanned stop at a restaurant.  It has hundreds of restaurants listed in alphabetical order, and gives nutritional information for items on their menu.  It also provides a map of where the restaurant is located!  This app was free when I downloaded it!

Dotti's Food Score

If you're counting Weight Watchers Points Plus (or the original Points Value), then this is a must have app.  Dotti's Food Score lists hundreds of restaurants in alphabetical order, it also has a search bar, and lists the Points Plus AND original Points Value for many items on their menu.  This is the perfect companion to help stay within your points range when going out to eat.  I paid $1.99 when I downloaded this app.


For those of you who want to follow the Weight Watchers Points Plus (or original Points Value) plan, but can't afford the sign up fee and/or monthly meeting fees, this app is perfect for you!  It calculates your daily allowed points, your weekly allowed points, and your activity points.  You are then able to calculate and log all the food you have eaten.  It also includes a pocket guide, favorites list, and keeps track of your weight loss progress!  I paid $1.99 for this app.


Calorie counter and diet tracker.  You first create a profile and input your current weight and your goal. MyFitnessPal will calculate and make a daily calorie recommendation from the information you provided.  It then allows you to log your daily calories, telling you how many you have left, or by how much you have gone over your daily goal.  It includes a VERY LARGE food database.  One of the largest I've seen!  Restaurants are also included in this database!  MyFitnessPal also includes a scanner to conveniently enter and calculate nutrition information for you.  You can also log and calculate the estimated calories burned during your workout.  Remember, not all calories are treated equally!  I've found that a lot of other important nutrition facts for food are not included in the database.  Always make wise choices!  This app was free!


This was another go-to app of mine, before a sick knee put me on a break from running.  You choose your activity type; running, cycling, swimming, etc....of course, I chose running!  It then allows you to set a pace goal, and choose the playlist you want to listen to when working out.  You can set the frequency of pace and distance updates, and according the the frequency you set, an voice will sound giving you the distance, time, and pace, as well as how close to your goal you are.  I've tried other running apps, and this is the most accurate one I've come across.  This app was free!

These are my favorite fitness apps, based on my personal experience and opinions.  If you have a favorite fitness app that is not listed here I would love to hear about it.  Post your fitness app review in the comment section.  I will try it out as well and leave my feedback!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Go Heavy or Go Home!

My Workout Today.  Chest & Triceps

I love lifting (heavy) weights.  I strength train 4 times a week (Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps, Legs, Shoulders, and I fit in Abs twice a week), and do 1 hour of cardio 3 times a week.  I've learned that doing too much cardio was hindering my strength gains and I wasn't getting the results I wanted.  Below is my Chest/Triceps workout that I did this morning.  I did 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise.  I've also included the weight that I used for each exercise.  Always use a weight that is comfortable for you.  Be sure to challenge yourself with your weight (you want to complete all reps with good form, but feel like you can't continue after the last one).  I rest for 1 minute in between each set.  Remember, ALWAYS start with a warmup (I usually warmup for 3-5 minutes on the elliptical machine), and ALWAYS end with a cool down (I use this time to deeply stretch the muscles I just worked).

Wide Pushups (on toes)
Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (35lbs each dumbbell)
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes (20lbs each dumbbell)
Decline Bench Flyes (17.5lbs each dumbbell)
Bench Triceps Dips (I use straight legs & elevate my feet on another bench)
Lying Triceps Extensions with Bar (30lbs bar)
Dumbbell Kickbacks (12.5lbs dumbbell)
Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension (30lbs dumbbell)
Cable One-Arm Triceps Extension (15lbs)

I complete my muscle building workout with a teaspoon of L-Glutamine mixed in water (to help with muscle recovery), and a whey protein shake (within 30 minutes of my workout to get optimal benefits).

Monday, September 17, 2012

What's For Breakfast?

Stove-Top Steelcut Oats With Bluberries & Walnuts

Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day.  After a long night of fasting, your body is craving nutrients.  I always like to start my breakfast off with a 16 ounce glass of water to hydrate my body.  This morning I made stove-top steelcut oats topped with cinnamon, blueberries, and walnuts, accompanied with egg whites for my lean protein.

The health benefits of steelcut oats, blueberries, and walnuts make this an excellent breakfast combination.  Steelcut oats are an excellent source of fiber (5g 1/2C dry), protein (7g 1/2C), and iron (20% RDI 1/2C dry).  Blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit, they neutralize free radicals which can affect disease and aging in the body, they aid in reducing belly fat, they help promote urinary tract health, they help to strengthen cardiac muscles, and help promote brain health.  Walnuts are a rich source of energy.  They are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, 25g of walnuts provide 90% RDI of omega-3 fatty acids, and they are an excellent source of vitamin E.  What an excellent way to start the day!

I prefer to make steelcut oats in my crockpot (I love my crockpot!).  It's so convenient to wake up to a hot breakfast, especially on busy mornings.  However, movie watching last night with my husband threw me off schedule, and the steelcut oats never made it to the crockpot.  Luckily I had an extra 20 minutes this morning to throw them on the stove!

1/2C steelcut oats
1 1/2C water
pinch of salt

Add oats, water, and salt into a small pot.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring frequently, for about 20 minutes.  Top with cinnamon, blueberries, and walnuts.  Yummy!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kick Your Sugar Habit

10 Tips To Help Kick Your Sugar Habit 

Today I was explaining to my 12 year old son, who asked me to take him to the store so he could purchase a soda, that sugar was like a legal drug, and many people are addicted to it.  Of course he didn't believe me, which led me to surf the internet for articles on sugar and the harm it causes to the body.  In my searching, I came across many tips to help kick the sugar addiction.  I narrowed these tips down to 10 tips which were listed on multiple sites.

1. Eat regularly
2. Choose whole foods
3. Eat a healthy breakfast incorporating lean proteins, healthy fats, and phytonutrients
4. Drink plenty of water
5. Get plenty of sleep
6. Beware of artificial sweeteners
7. Read nutrition labels
8. Add spices for flavor
9. Detox (there are many different detoxes, research to find one that fits your needs)
10. Daily multi-vitamin, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin D3.

There are so many more tips out there to help kick your sugar habit.  Be sure to do your research.  Everyone is different, find tips that fit your lifestyle and will work for you.  Begin applying these tips to your daily living, and in no time you will have kicked your sugar habit!  
By the way, my son never did get his soda!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Clean Eating Food List

Clean Eating.  That term use to scare me!  I use to think that eating clean limited you to lean proteins and veggies.  Boy was I wrong!  There is so much variety when it comes to eating clean, and the food is so delicious.  Your body will soon begin to crave it.  Below is a basic list to get you started on your clean eating journey.  Be creative, research recipes, and have fun!

  • sunflower oil
  • coconut oil
  • walnut oil
  •  avocado oil
  •  olive oil
  •  grapeseed oil 
  •  pumpkin seed oil

Fatty proteins

  • avocado
  • coconut
  • walnut
  • cashews
  • almonds 
  • nut meal/flour 
  • seeds 
  • all natural peanut butter 
  • salmon 
  • sea bass
  • mackerel Limit, high in mercury
  • bluefish
  • trout
  • mussels
  • bluefin tuna

Lean proteins

  • soul
  • flounder
  • cod
  • halibut
  • mahi mahi
  • red snapper
  • orange ruffy Limit, high in mercury
  • ahi tuna Limit, high in mercury
  • swordfish Limit, high in mercury
  • tilapia
  • grouper
  • corvina
  • cobia
  • egg whites
  • chicken breast
  • extra lean ground turkey
  • london broil
  • top round
  • turkey
  • pork chops
  • game meat
  • bison
  • tofu
  • tempeh
  • shellfish
  • scallops 


  • spelt flour
  • wheat flour 
  • oat flour
  • chickpea flour 
  • rice flour 
  • quinoa flour 


  • coconut sugar
  • applesauce (no sugar added) 
  • Stevia in the Raw or Truvia


  • honeydew
  • cantaloupe
  • watermelon
  • apple
  • papaya
  • pear
  • raspberry 
  • blackberry
  • blueberry
  • cherry
  • mango
  • guava
  • orange
  • passionfruit 
  • strawberry
  • tangerine
  • tomato
  • grapefruit

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Crockpot Steelcut Oats

I love my crockpot, and since my oven stopped working I love it even more!  There are so many healthy, easy to make recipes for crockpots.  A family favorite at my house is Crockpot Steelcut Oats.  I love waking up to the aroma, and it's a big hit with the kids on busy school mornings.  Best of all, it's healthy!
2C Steelcut oats
6C water
2C unsweetened almond milk
3 apples (peeled & diced)
2Tbsp cinnamon
1/2C raw sugar OR honey

Optional:  before serving garnish with chopped walnuts.  Yum!

Spray crockpot with non-stick spray.  Add all ingredients, stir.  Cook on low 7-8 hours.  Stir before serving.

**Note:  This recipe makes a pretty big batch, which is perfect for my family of 6.  For a smaller batch, just cut the portion of ingredients in half.